The Saints Hills estate of the Tolj family is one of the most ambitious wine projects in Croatia . Not far away from the historic city of Dubrovnik is the headquater, plus winegrowing in Istria, where the white wines of the Tolj family are cultivated.
The top wine of the house is the Dingac, by the way one of the most impressive vineyards on earth, steeply descending to the sea. Sv. Roko is a completely new plantation, this vineyard creates a magnificent Plavac Mali with very fine tannins. This is the manuscript of the master oenologist Michel Rolland, who understands perfectly how to bring remarkable refinement and freshness, that characterizes all great wines, to the often rustic Plavac .
In Saints Hills everything is done to produce the best wines of Croatia and they also enriches the culinary region with a first-class restaurant at the winery.