The Rebholz winery is undoubtedly one of the very best wineries in Germany. High-quality dry wines were produced here over 50 years ago, at a time when the sweet wine wave in Germany was in full swing. The pioneer at the time was Eduard Rebholz, who propagated natural wine, which meant avoiding sugar addition to increase alcohol or interrupting fermentation to keep the wine artificially sweet. In principle, this still applies to the current generations of the Rebholz family. Father Hansjörg led the winery to the very top of Germany, and he continues this path today with his sons Hans and Valentin, who are just as passionate winemakers as he is.
The winery Ökonomierat Rebholz owns plots in the best vineyards in the Southern Palatinate, including the GGs Im Sonnenschein, Ganz Horn im Sonnenschein, Kastanienbusch and since 2020, also in Schäwer in Burrweiler. Some of the best dry Rieslings in Germany come from them. Pinot Blanc Grosses Gewächs grows in the Mandelberg. There are also Erste Lagen such as Münzberg, Biengarten and Latt.
The Rebholz wines with the classic labels with a white background are all made exclusively in stainless steel, the black labels are barrique wines.
Today, the Rebholz family sets standards in every wine category. The wines have character, depth and can age very well in the bottle.